This article discusses web marketing and how to do it without costing the earth. Web marketing is a fairly recent phenomenon, as businesses finally latch onto the idea that rather a lot of future business will be done via the internet. Companies have noticed that if you get into the first two pages of Google they’ll send traffic to your website without having to pay for it. This has generated a whole industry for companies like ours who spend their time trying to get their clients into the organic listings as they produce customers for no cost.
It is an ongoing process, because the Google rankings change all the time and you can be very high up one week and nowhere to be seen the following week.
Partly because of the complete uncertainty as to how the Google calculations take place, there was little known about the actual definite structure that goes into deciding who goes to the top of the chart and who stays at the bottom.
One thing is clear, that websites with webmasters who work constantly at trying to promote their site and their business will almost always see returns, and those websites that are just produced and then left to their own devices will rarely get anywhere unless very lucky.
There are two main features of web marketing which can either be very expensive or low cost. It is these two features that I want to discuss today. The first is press releases & blog writing and the second is ensuring there are lots of links and referrals and references to your website on the internet.
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